Porchetta, or roast suckling pig seasoned with garlic and herbs, is a traditional Italian dish. Here, the flavors of porchetta are used on a roasted pork...
This is the ultimate turkey lover's turkey-no bells and whistles, just a succulent bird with crispy skin and plenty of delicious gravy. It's also great...
"At the restaurant Mimosa, the food, service, and ambiance transform a night in Los Angeles into an evening in Paris," says Michele Winkler of Sherman...
When we were children, we adored zeen doy(sesame balls). The dough is fried until golden brown so it is both crisp and chewy from the glutinous rice flour....
Whole foie gras can vary in size (goose liver tends to be larger than duck). If your foie gras differs from the recipe by more than half a pound, increase...
Thick chicken breasts can be hard to get just right; often you're left with a too-dry, too-bland dinner. But this high-heat roasting method results in...
This recipe gives you yet another excuse to keep a package of puff pastry in the freezer. If you prefer, swap out the marinated artichoke hearts for drained...
Gently baking salmon in a low-temperature oven ensures a moist and succulent fillet and only takes about 15 minutes. The asparagus cooks on the same baking...
Soft pretzels, sliced German sausages, pickled garden vegetables, and roasted Brussels sprouts can all be dipped in this oozy cheese sauce for one amusing...
Katy Hees of Santa Fe, New Mexico, writes: "Eating local, fresh, organic food is important to me. It doesn't get much more local than the eggs I use, which...
There's enough garlic butter here to drench every morsel of lobster meat-you'll want to serve crusty bread on the side to soak it all up. An easy Lobster...
This speedy, savory meal pairs well with a workout. Quinoa is an unexpected source of energizing iron and amino acids, protein's building blocks, to nourish...